The Best CHP Test Prep
Why this is the Best -
CHP Test Prep Course
The California Highway Patrol is the most prestigious law enforcement agency in the U.S. and the hardest to get into. Prepare to pass every step of the rigorous CHP hiring process, including the PELLETB written exam.
PELLETB stands for POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Test Battery. In California, the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST) sets minimum selection and training standards for California law enforcement agencies. PELLETB is the Written Exam portion recommended by the Commission. Other required steps in the hiring process, like the Physical Abilities Test, Psych exam, etc. are in addition to the PELLETB. Sgt. Godoy's PELLETB QuikPrep is rated #1 by independent user reviews on ShopperApproved™. The course includes:
- Video-based Tutorials and Practice Questions on each Test Topic
- Writing Clarity
- Spelling
- Vocabulary
- Reading Comprehension (Multiple-choice Style)
- Extensive Training for Mastering the CLOZE Reading Test
- Logical Reasoning
- The Bonus Edition Includes Preparation for Advanced Assessment:
- Mastering the Polygraph
- Mastering the Psych Exam
- Mastering the Panel Interview
- Surviving the Background Investigation
- Instant, Mobile Friendly, Online Access
- Unlimited Use for a One-time fee
- Sgt. Godoy’s Personal Support
- Guaranteed Satisfaction
America's Top-rated PELLETB Prep Course
100% Money-back Satisfaction Guarantee
CHP Test Prep Course
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