The Very Best PELLETB Test Prep
Why this is the Best
PELLETB Prep Course
Welcome to the top-rated prep course for passing the California PELLETB police exam. This 5-star course presents insightful, video-based tutorials and practice quizzes with detailed answer explanations for all PELLETB test topics. This course is also perfect for preparing to pass the ALERT Exam for police officers used in the state of Maine. The Bonus Edition includes over $50 of advanced courses for Mastering the Psych Exam, Polygraph Exam and Oral Interview.
- Reading Comprehension (multiple-choice)
- CLOZE Reading Test
- Writing Abilities (grammar, clarity, spelling, and vocabulary)
- Logical Reasoning
- Bonus - Mastering the Psych Exam
- Bonus - Mastering the Polygraph
- Bonus - Mastering the Oral Interview
I will teach you how to turn the dreaded CLOZE Reading Test into your competitive advantage.
Learn why thousands of students give this course a 5-star satisfaction rating as measured by ShopperApproved™. You get:
- Online Study Guide with Insightful Tutorials
- Hundreds of Practice Questions
- Exceptional CLOZE Training and Practice Quizzes
- Mobile Friendly, Online Access
- Unlimited Use
- Sgt. Godoy’s Personal Support
- Guaranteed Satisfaction
Note: This course is only for PELLETB. Other test formats are used in California, like the NTN FrontLine exam (See link at bottom of page).
My premier prep course, PoliceExam911™, covers ALL police entry exams, including PELLETB, NTN FrontLine and more.
(See List of California Cities vs. Exam.)

Hands Down, the Best Prep Course Available
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