The Best Correctional Officer Test Prep
Why this is the Best
Correctional Officer Test Prep?
Prepare to pass your Correctional Officer Entrance Exam. Since this exam varies from state to state, Sgt. Godoy has developed this special course that covers all the common test topics found on any of the Correctional Officer Entrance Exams used in the U.S. Customers report that their confidence is boosted and their test scores improve after using this popular prep course.
NOTE: This course covers all test topics found on the various Correctional Exams used in the country including, but not limited to, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas and the CJBAT For Corrections used in Florida.
NOTE: There is a Bonus Edition of this course that includes over $50 worth of Advanced Courses for Mastering the Polygraph, Psych Exam, Oral Interview and more.
The following test topics are covered in detail:
- Reading Comprehension / Interpretation of Rules and Procedures
- Grammar and Spelling
- Information Ordering
- Observation, Recall and Differences in Details
- Problem Sensitivity
- Situational Judgment
- Logical Reasoning (Deductive, Inductive and Verbal)
- Basic Math
- Counting Accuracy in a Correctional Environment
- Scheduling Skills
- Best Practices for the Personality Exam
- Mastering the Background Investigation
- Optional Bonus Courses Available
- Mastering the Polygraph
- Mastering the Psych Exam
- Mastering the Oral Interview
Learn why students give this course a 5-star satisfaction rating as measured by ShopperApproved™. As with all of Sgt. Godoy’s test prep courses, you get the following:
- Video-based Tutorials Teach how to Master each Test Topic
- Hundreds of Practice Questions with Extensive Answer Explanations
- Tips for Applying and Managing your Job Search
- Mobile Friendly, Instant Online Access
- Unlimited Use
- Sgt. Godoy’s Personal Support
- Guaranteed Satisfaction
Hands Down, the Best Prep Course Available
100% Money-back Guarantee if you are not Satisfied
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