Free Police Practice Tests
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Free Police Practice Test
Since most agencies are now using computer-based testing. Shouldn’t your practice tests and prep courses be the same? Click on the image to take this insightful video-based practice test for the police written exam. You will learn how the latest eLearning technology can help you beat the competition for the law enforcement job you want.
Free PELLETB Practice Test
The PELLETB is the most common police exam used in California and one of the most difficult law enforcement exams in the U.S. The PELLETB includes a CLOZE reading test. The CLOZE is the downfall of most applicants because they have never experienced such a test. Click on the image to enjoy this video-based practice test and learn how to prepare for the PELLETB.
Free CBP Practice Test
More Free Police Study Guides
The entrance exams for CBP Officers and Border Patrol Agents are very similar. They both have lots of Logical Reasoning questions typical of US Federal Government exams. These questions are very difficult for most, because high schools don’t each how to solve Logical Reasoning problems. The Customs Officer exam also has math and grammar questions. Click on the image to take this free practice test. You will learn a lot about what to expect.
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